Whispering Hope

The life and times of my daughter, Stephanie Hope. Stephanie came to us in May of 2005 and her adoption was finalized in October of 2006. She is 16 years old and struggles with Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stess Disorder as a result of a lifetime of abuse and neglect.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New School

Today, I spent the day transferring Stephanie to a new school. She spent the first semester at a local Magnet School. but that, unfortunately, did not work out. By special exception, we were allowed to move her to our zoned high school. I certainly hope this helps. There have been rough times lately with her disobedience and trouble-making. I just pray she can find better influences in the wider range of people.

In other news, she got her report card on Thursday. Here are the results

Subject/ 1st Qtr/ 2nd Qtr/ Sem Exam /Sem Avg.

Biology/ 85/ 80 /81 /82 - C
English/ 80 /85/ 73/ 81 - C
Wld. Hist /94/ 91 /na/93 - A
Band /100/ 100 /na/100 - A
PE/Wellness/ 84 /82/ 82/ 84 - C
Svc Lrning /100 /98 /na/99 - A
Alg 2/ 81/ 88/ 63/ 80 - C

GPA/ 3.0 /3.0/na/ 2.86

Darn those semester exams!